
Full Body Stretch Routine

Benefits of Full Body Daily Stretching

Full Body Stretch Routine. Stretching is a fundamental pillar of healthy movement and something you shouldn’t skip or overlook, whatever your gender, fitness goals or experience.

Improved athletic performance – Due to all the benefits mentioned above, stretching can also help to improve athletic performance. This Pliability app review highlights how elite athletes use stretching and mobility sessions to their advantage.

Increased flexibility – Ultimately, one of the most visible benefits of stretching is the increased flexibility. Whether you want to touch your toes, or simply make everyday activities easier, better flexibility will help.

Increased mobility – Mobility refers to the ability for joints to move through their full range of motion. Coupled with better flexibility, this can have a dramatic impact on your overall movement. Improving mobility in the hips, for example, can help with all sorts of activities that require hip flexion, such as running, walking or jumping.

Reduced risk of injuries – Due to improved mobility and flexibility, the joints and muscles are less susceptible to injuries.

Aids muscle recovery – Stretching can help combat DOMS and post-workout stiffness. This is why stretching after a workout is worthwhile if you want to help reduce the feeling of stiffness the next day.

Improved circulation – Stretching helps to pump blood around the body and muscles, improving circulation.

Relaxation – Some stretching can be relaxing, especially when done as part of yoga or meditation routine. Using long, slow breathing with your stretching may help you become more relaxed.

Full Body Stretch Routine

Stretching brings with it some serious health benefits, well beyond just increased flexibility.

Full Body Stretch Routine. Stretching brings with it some serious health benefits, well beyond just increased flexibility. And we’d guess you probably know you should be doing more stretching in your fitness routine… but either forget to do it or simply don’t know where to start.

But fear not, we’ve created this simple full body stretch routine to highlight how you can loosen up tight muscles in just 10 minutes. So then, you could either do this before a workout, as part of your evening/morning ritual, or use it to break up long periods of being sedentary during the day.

This full body stretch routine only takes 10 minutes to do and by following this for just a few weeks, you may already start to see positive changes to your movement. Consequently, it includes one stretch per major muscle group, so you may want to include additional stretches for any muscles or joints that need attention based on your own requirements. You can also choose to hold each stretch for as long as you feel necessary (somewhere between 10-30 seconds would be a good starting point).

Neck-Cervical Circles

Cervical circles, or neck circles, are a great place to start when it comes to a full body stretch routine.

How To Do It

Full Body Stretch Routine. Cervical circles, or neck circles, are a great place to start when it comes to a full body stretch routine. Here, this will help loosen up the neck and is a great way to combat “tech neck” and sitting at a desk all day.

To do cervical circles,

  1. Slowly move your head in a circle. Don’t rush things and stop if you feel any pain or discomfort. Also, you may want to repeat the cervical circle a 5 times, and do it in both directions.
  2. But you could also just look to the right, left, up and down, and hold those positions for a few moments as an alternative.
  3. You may find this is better suited if you have a stiff neck.

Shoulders-Box Shoulder Stretch

Full Body Stretch Routine. The Box Shoulder Stretch is a great, and underrated way, to instantly release tight shoulders as well as your upper back in general.

The Box Shoulder Stretch is a great, and underrated way, to instantly release tight shoulders as well as your upper back in general.

How To Do It

Stiff shoulders can reduce the functional movement of the upper body so it’s worth stretching them out frequently. And the Box Shoulder Stretch is a great, and underrated way, to instantly release tight shoulders as well as your upper back in general.

To do this shoulder stretch,

  1. kneel next to a bench or raised surface (e.g. your sofa)
  2. Place your elbows on it.
  3. Touch the base on your neck with your hands
  4. Gently push down on your elbows. You should feel your shoulders being stretched.
  5. Hold for 30 sec

Chest-Standing Pec Stretch

Full Body Stretch Routine. The standing pec stretch is a popular way to stretch out your chest. Chests are particularly susceptible to becoming tight when you’re sat at a desk or driving, so this stretch is a great one to do daily, as part of a stretching routine.

The standing pec stretch is a popular way to stretch out your chest. Chests are particularly susceptible to becoming tight when you’re sat at a desk or driving,

How To Do It

To do the standing pec stretch,

  1. grab a stable object, or place your hand around a doorframe and
  2. rotate at the shoulder to open up your chest.
  3. Try to keep your core engaged to allow you to focus the stretch on your chest as you hold the position.
  4. hold for 30 sec
  5. Repeat on the opposite side.

Back-Cobra Pose

Full Body Stretch Routine. I picked the cobra pose because it’s beginner friendly and focuses on the lower back, which is the area that most people find they benefit from stretching out. It also helps to open up the chest and shoulders, as well as stretching the abs.

I picked the cobra pose because it’s beginner friendly and focuses on the lower back, which is the area that most people find they benefit from stretching out.

How To Do It

  1. Lie prone (face down) on the floor with your toes pointed down.
  2. Press your palms into the ground, lift your chest and torso off the floor until your arms are straight.
  3. Press your feet and hips into the ground to prevent them from coming off the ground as you push your upper body up.
  4. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Hip Flexors – Samson Stretch

Full Body Stretch Routine. The samson stretch is effective at stretching out the often-ignored psoas and hip flexors. These can become weak and tight from being sedentary.

The samson stretch is effective at stretching out the often-ignored psoas and hip flexors. These can become weak and tight from being sedentary.

How To Do It

  1. To do the samson stretch, lunge forward with your back knee on the floor.
  2. With your arms extended up, drive your hips forward to stretch the front of your hips.
  3. You can also control how much you want to stretch your hip flexors, by placing the foot of your forward leg further away (bigger stretch) or closer (small stretch) to your body.
  4. Hold for 30 sec

Quads-Standing Assisted Quad Stretch

This exercise involves standing on one leg and pulling the other leg up behind you towards your buttocks. And while keeping your knees together. Also, this stretch targets the quadriceps muscles in the front of your thigh.

Full Body Stretch Routine. This exercise involves standing on one leg and pulling the other leg up behind you towards your buttocks. And while keeping your knees together. Also, this stretch targets the quadriceps muscles in the front of your thigh.

How To Do It

  1. Stand upright and hold onto a countertop or chair back for balance.
  2. Bend one knee and grasp your ankle with one hand, pulling your heel toward your buttocks.
  3. Use a belt or towel if you cannot reach your foot to hold it
  4. Maintain this position for 30 seconds.
  5. Change legs and repeat for 30 seconds.



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In Conclusion

Daily stretching can be a great way to not only loosen up tight muscles and joints. But also break up periods of being sedentary or even help you relax on an evening. Furthermore, the stretches outlined in this full-body stretch routine are a great place for anyone wanting to start stretching. Consequently, Follow this everyday for a month and see how you feel.

However, for more personalized recommendations, consult a Physical Therapist to discuss how you can reach your goals based on your individual circumstances.

Important Note *

Remember that everyone is different, it is ultimately YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find what your body responds to. So please do your due diligence before trying anything new, including getting Medical Advice to ensure your safety and peace of mind.

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