
Arm Strengthening Exercises

How are arm strength and longevity connected?

Arm Strengthening Exercises. Arm strength and longevity are linked in a variety of ways. Here, a strong upper body means that certain tasks. For example, lifting a heavy box—may still feel more difficult in your 60s as compared to your 20s. But they won’t feel as onerous. Besides, the muscles in our bodies weaken and atrophy as we age. So then, by building up arm and grip strength, you will be able to live independently for longer. Stronger arms mean you’ll be more likely to climb stairs and hold banisters without risk of falling, and you can stay active and social for longer. And which is essential for maintaining good cognitive health and mental well-being.

Researchers from the British Medical Journal also found that when studying individuals’ grip strength. Hence, those with stronger arms and hands were at less risk when it came to contracting cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Also, developing chronic ailments, and having many forms of cancer. However, despite this knowledge, grip strength is one of the least popular forms of strength training. According to a study published in the Clinical Interventions in Aging journal. Grip strength is a key biomarker when it comes to aging.

Benefits of Arm Exercises for Seniors

Arm Strengthening Exercises. Many older people want arms that look stronger and less flabby. That’s an excellent reason to do arm exercises for seniors, but the benefits don’t stop there. Seniors with healthy arms and shoulders are better able to maintain independence and keep doing the activities they love.

Think of all the ways you use your arms every day. Something as routine as pushing up from a chair is easier with good arm muscle. Carrying groceries, lifting things onto high shelves, picking up babies: All these work your arms, and that’s not even mentioning recreational activities such as tennis and golf.

Here’s another benefit: arm exercise, done with proper form, works your upper back as well, which improves posture and balance. So let’s get started. Here are some exercises to keep those arms and shoulders working for you.

Do A Warm Up Before These Exercises

A warm-up is a series of exercises that are designed to prepare your body for physical activity. It is important to perform a warm-up before Arm strengthening exercises

Arm Strengthening Exercises. A warm-up is a series of exercises that are designed to prepare your body for physical activity. It is important to perform a warm-up before exercising to help prevent injury and improve performance. A 10-minute warm-up is a quick and effective way to get your body ready for exercise. Start with a brisk walk or use a cardio machine at the gym to get your heart rate up. Start with a brisk walk or use a cardio machine at the gym to get your heart rate up for 5 minutes, and marching on the spot with high knees for 5 minutes. In addition, you could cycle, jog or use eliptical machines to warm up if you have access to them.

Dumbbell Overhead Press

Arm Strengthening Exercises. The dumbbell overhead press can be done in either a sitting or standing position and with dumbbells held horizontally. However, for balance and safety, we will use the sitting position 

The dumbbell overhead press can be done in either a sitting or standing position and with dumbbells held horizontally for strengthening the arms

Muscles Exercised: Deltoids, Triceps, Pectorals, Trapezius,


  1. Start in the sitting position
  2. Exhale as you slowly raise the weights above the head in a controlled motion to a 3 count.
  3. Pause briefly at the top of the motion.
  4. Inhale and lower the dumbbells slowly to the shoulders to a three count.
  5. Do this 10 times as 1 set, try to do 3 sets or whatever you can manage.

Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Arm Strengthening Exercises. The dumbbell hammer curl offers a simple twist on the traditional dumbbell curl, fortifying a persons grip strength and allowing for heavier weight to be lifted for more overall volume. 

The dumbbell hammer curl offers a simple twist on the traditional dumbbell curl, fortifying a persons arm and grip strength 

Muscles Exercised: Biceps brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis, Supinator radials.


  • Start by sitting on a bench or chair with the back in the upright position and two dumbbells at your sides.
  • While sitting, Pick up the dumbbells and hold them at the top end of the dumbbell.
  • With your arms fully extended and in a neutral position (so your hands are facing each other) curl the dumbbells until your thumbs are near your shoulders.
  • Beginners are going to benefit most from spending time under tension, so try counting to 3 during the concentric (lifting) and eccentric (lowering) parts of the movement.
  • Pause at the top of the movement, before lowering the dumbbell under control.
  • Do this 10 times as 1 set, try to do 3 sets or whatever you can manage.

Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Arm Strengthening Exercises. As indicated by the exercise’s name, the dumbbell lateral raise primarily targets the lateral deltoids. Additionally, the front deltoids also contribute to the movement, as a secondary muscle group. 

the dumbbell lateral raise primarily targets the lateral deltoids. Which supports arm strength and movement

Muscles Exercised: Lateral deltoid, Anterior deltoid, Posterior deltoid, Trapezius, Supraspinatus.


  • Sit with your back upright, knees apart and feet flat and at hip-width apart. Keep your core engaged so your trunk remains upright.
  • Hold dumbbells in each hand with your arms down to your side. You can use an overhand grip or a neutral grip.
  • Pull your arms up keeping your elbows slightly bent, and slowly raise the dumbbells out to each side.
  • Your arms will remain in the same position for the entire movement. Concentrate on bringing your elbows up rather than the dumbbells.
  • Bring up until your elbows reach shoulder height, and slowly lower down to the starting position.
  • Do this 10 times as 1 set, try to do 3 sets or whatever you can manage.

Seated Tricep Extention

As the name suggests, the triceps have 3 heads. Situated on the back of the arm and making up around 2/3 of upper arm muscle. They really make the upper arm look impressive if well-developed.

Seated tricep extention As the name suggests, the triceps have 3 heads. Situated on the back of the arm and making up around 2/3 of upper arm muscle and strength

Muscles Exercised Triceps,  Anconeus, Forearms, Lats


  1. Sit on a chair and hold one dumbbell with both hands directly above your head.
  2. Slowly flex your elbows and lower the weight behind your head as you keep your upper arms still.
  3. Extend your arms to a 3 count and pause at the top.
  4. Lower to a 3 count and repeat
  5. Do this 10 times as 1 set, try to do 3 sets or whatever you can manage.



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In Conclusion

Arm workouts have many benefits. They can help you build muscle strength, muscle tone, and lean muscle mass, while also reducing your risk of injury, improving your posture, protecting your bones and stabilizing your joints. Remember to always warm up before starting your workout and to stretch after you’re done. This will help prevent injury and soreness.

Important Note *

Remember that everyone is different, it is ultimately YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find what your body responds to. So please do your due diligence before trying anything new, including getting Medical Advice to ensure your safety and peace of mind.

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4 replies on “Arm Strengthening Exercises”

Hi Bobbie, I use 3kg hand weights, on the video, you should try to not go under 2kg, the weight is important, to challenge your muscles, they will only get stronger if they are taxed by the weight and or the number of repetitions done in sets, everyone is different, I show exercises with a set number as an example, however, if it is 10 and you are not tired or feeling like the muscle is tired you may have to do a few extra reps on an exercise, the weight will be try and see and perhaps you will need a bit heavier but that is up to you and how you feel. I hope this helps. Good luck, all the best Ian

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