
Why Older Adults Lose Their Sense of Balance

Introduction to Sense of Balance Why Older Adults Lose Their Sense of Balance. Balance is critical to our daily lives, allowing us to move confidently and safely. As we age, however, maintaining balance can become more challenging. Many older adults experience a decline in their sense of balance, leading to an increased risk of falls […]


Effective Balance Exercises

Effective Balance Exercises Effective Balance Exercises. Improved balance makes daily activities, such as walking on stairs, carrying heavy items, and suddenly changing directions, easier. So then, a strong, stable base will allow you to move with more coordination, ease, and fluidity. However, you’ll also gain stronger and more enhanced movement during athletic activities. Consequently, developing […]


Balance Exercises

Introduction to balance exercises Balance exercises can help you keep your balance — and confidence — at any age. Here, balance exercises are especially important for older adults because they can help prevent falls and help them keep their independence. So then, it’s a good idea to include balance training along with physical activity and […]


Fall Prevention Guidelines

Fall Prevention Statistics, Over 65s Fall Prevention Guidelines. In 2023, falls were a significant concern for the older adult population. Here are some key statistics: It’s important to note that falls are the leading cause of injury for adults aged 65 years and older. Also, the incidence of falls among older U.S. adults was increasing at […]


Balance Exercises 3

Introduction To Balance Exercises 3 Balance Exercises 3. Maintaining good balance is a fundamental aspect of senior well-being. As we age, changes in muscle strength and flexibility can impact our stability, increasing the risk of life-threatening falls. Also, many falls happen in the home, especially after waking up. However, the good news is that balance can […]


Improving Your Balance

Introduction to Improving Your Balance Improving Your Balance. We recently covered walking and how to walk with the head upright. And the position of the foot for each step. But now let’s work on improving our balance. Here, balance problems are a common reason why many older adults fall and are seriously injured. Others may […]


Balance And Forward Head Posture

What is forward head posture? Balance And Forward Head Posture. When a person maintains good posture, their head aligns vertically with the spine. But forward head posture (FHP) occurs when a person is leaning their head forward, out of neutral alignment with their spine. Here, when the alignment of the head is off, it can […]


Balance Exercise for Seniors

Introduction Balance Exercise for Seniors Balance Exercise for Seniors. Even for older adults who are physically active and fit, there comes a time when their balance begins to diminish. And it’s a natural part of ageing. But a wide variety of strength and balance exercises for seniors can help you maintain your balance. Also, not […]


Balance Exercises 2

Introduction Balance Exercises 2. Balance exercises can help build strength and improve posture, stability, and coordination. Also, these benefits can reduce your chance of falling or bumping into things and causing an injury. furthermore, you may not bounce back as quickly from an injury if you do have a fall. So then, it’s best to take […]


Exercises That Help Improve Balance

Introduction Balance Exercises Exercises That Help Improve Balance. Most of us rarely think about the importance of our body’s ability to maintain balance. But, as we age, the key to avoiding falls and subsequent injury, is by focusing on improving our static (stationary). And also dynamic (moving) balance skills. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that falls […]