Introduction Assessment of Living Independently
Getting up off the floor for older people might become a vital part of independent assessments. As a result, if a senior persons ability to live independently is in doubt, they will be assessed. Hence getting down and up from the floor could be used. Consequently, this is ensuring that they are capable of completing household chores. And they can adequately clean their homes and get up if they fall. Also, it is an indicator of muscular-skeletal strength.
So then, many are often worried about getting down on the floor. Above all, they are afraid that they won’t be able to get back up. Furthermore, this is a natural and understandable fear. Also, it may be necessary to retrieve items that fall to the floor and go under furniture. And to play with young grandchildren. In this case, arm and leg exercises are essential to strengthen the muscles getting up off the floor.
Studies have indicated Serious Results
A group of scientists studying longevity have devised a test for getting down and up from the floor. The study involved more than 2,000 men and women aged 51 to 80 who were asked to sit and then rise unaided from the floor. After the sitting-rising test, they were followed until the date of their death or for 6.3 years, on average. Before starting the test, participants were told this: Without worrying about the movement speed, try to sit and then rise from the floor, using the minimum support you believe is needed. (hands knees)
Each of the two basic movements was assessed and scored out of five, making a composite score from ten, with one point subtracted from five for each support used, such as a hand or knee. Over the study period, 159 participants died, a death rate of about 8 per cent, according to a report in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention. The majority of these deaths occurred in participants with low test scores.
Falls are Possible at any Age
Improving balance and strength will help prevent falling; however, there might be the possibility that you may be faced with having to get up after a fall. One thing that I have learned is that getting up from the ground is not easy for everyone. This led to my conclusion that the process of getting up from the ground is a skill that you lose the moment you shy away from it. You might be reading this and thinking, “I have trouble getting off the ground,” Therefore, follow my step by step process for getting up from the ground.
In Conclusion
If the scientists are right, having difficulty getting up from the floor indicates a shorter lifespan, mainly due to weakness. So then, exercise is important to build strength. Consequently, exercise and practising will improve your ability and strength. As a result, this is not easy, but it is necessary to increase your chance of living longer. I published this in the past, however, we have lots of new members and so I decided to post it again for their benefit.
Because the numbers or older adults falling is increasing. So then, you should be aware that falling a second or subsequent time may generate a assessment. Consequently, being assessed covers everyday living and your strength, many places assess your skeletal muscle strength by your ability getting down and up from the floor. Practise this skill, and it is good exercise.
Important Note *
Remember that everyone is different, and it is ultimately YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find what your body responds to… So please do your own due diligence before trying anything new, including getting Medical Advice to ensure your safety and peace of mind.
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4 replies on “Getting Down and up from the Floor”
The reason that I have trouble getting up off the floor is because of double knee replacement oh, and when I put weight on my knees it feels like metal pushing into my bone. Is there a trick to getting up without putting weight on your knees? I have strong bones, according to the bone density test. They are the bones of a 40 year old female and I am 67. Thanks for your assistance
Hi Charlotte, Knees are a big problem when they go wrong; having two replacement knees makes the problem a little more complex; I have no idea what that is like, but I will look to see what I can come up with as a possible solution for you. So then, I will email you in a day to let you know what I have come up with as a solution. Thank you for this comment, regards Ian
Thank you Ian managed to get down and up again without aids, but it was not easy. I will take your advice, in fact I will practice daily, after all practice makes perfect, keep up the good work you are no doubt helping so many out here in the world.Rosina
Hi Rosina, I am happy you found the post useful and you realise it is not easy at first, however by practising it will get easier, in addition that practice will help to make you stronger, I appreciate your comment and thank you for it. Good luck Ian