10 Minute Body Warm Up
Lower Body Exercises 2. Above all, a warm-up is a series of exercises that are designed to prepare your body for physical activity. It is important to perform a warm-up before exercising to help prevent injury and improve performance. A 10-minute warm-up is a quick and effective way to get your body ready for exercise. Start with a brisk walk to get your heart rate up for 5 minutes, and march on the spot with high knees for 5 minutes. In addition, you could cycle, jog, or use elliptical machines to warm up if you have access to them.
1. Lower Body Exercise 2 Calf Raises
Lower Body Exercises 2. Strengthening your calf muscles with calf raises will give you more power to step forward on level surfaces or carry you up hills on uneven terrain. Also, helps pump blood up from your legs to your upper body and brain.

Muscles used: Calves, Gastrocnemius, Soleus.
How To Do It
- Stand using a chair to balance yourself.
- Rise on your toes as high as you comfortably can and pause then.
- Return to the starting position
- Do this 10 times as 1 set try to do 3 sets or whatever you can manage.
2. Assisted Lunges
Lower Body Exercises 2. However, by holding support you can ensure stability. Here, you’re able to challenge your muscles and push yourself safer than with traditional bodyweight lunges. But performed correctly, both assisted and bodyweight lunges can help build strength and power in the legs, glutes, and core. And they can also improve balance and coordination. Furthermore, they’re a great calorie-burning exercise that can help you torch fat and sculpt a leaner physique.

Muscles used: quads, hamstrings, glutes, core, and stabilizer muscles.
How To Do It
- Start in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart.
- Step forward longer than a walking stride so one leg is ahead of your torso and the other is behind. Your foot should land flat and remain flat while it’s on the ground. Your rear heel will rise off of the ground.
- Bend your knees to approximately 90 degrees as you lower yourself. Remember to keep your trunk upright and core engaged.
- Then, forcefully push off from your front leg to return to the starting position.
- Change legs and repeat.
- Do this 10 times as 1 set try to do 3 sets or whatever you can manage.
3. Bodyweight/Weighted Squats
Lower Body Exercises 2. The squat is one of seven innate fundamental human movements, so squatting is a vital part of fitness. And it’s a natural movement pattern for us as humans, However, if you don’t use it, you can lose it. Besides the squat being a foundational movement. Consequently, it is also the best exercise you can do for lower body strength and muscle mass. Therefore, if you want strong, powerful, legs and glutes, squats are a must. Here, this applies to men and women alike.

Muscles used: Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Adductors, Core, Erectors and Calves.
How To Do It
1: Stand in a posture with feet hip to shoulder width apart and toes forward, draw in and brace the abs. Next, pull the shoulder blades back and down and lock the elbows into the side of the body. Subsequently, balance the dumbbells above the elbows at all times (or set them on the shoulders).
2: Drive the hips back and squat down to a maximum depth so that posture and alignment can be maintained. (typically between 90˚ at the knee and thigh parallel to the floor). In this case, keep the weight balanced from heel to ball of foot and torso fairly upright.
3: Reverse the pattern and return to the starting position. Maintain posture throughout.
4: Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. And avoid slouching the back or shoulders, letting the elbows flare out, knees caving in or toes turning out.
5. Do this 15 times as 1 set try to do 3 sets or whatever you can manage.
Farmers Walk
The Farmer’s Walk is an excellent exercise for strengthening and conditioning your body. Here, it involves carrying weights in each hand and walking for a set distance or time. Consequently, the exercise works multiple muscles in the upper body, core, and legs while increasing muscular endurance. Moreover, it can be done with either a pair of dumbbells or any heavy substance. Thus, making it an ideal exercise for different fitness levels. Also, some other benefits of the Farmer’s Carry exercise include improved body posture, more muscular coordination, and increased balance.

Muscles used: Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Adductors, Core and Calves.
How To Do It
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and two weights placed on either side of your feet.
- Bend your knees and lower into a squat, keep your chest lifted and the weight evenly distributed across your feet. Look ahead
- Grip both weights, engage your core, and set your shoulders back and down
- Push through your heels to stand. Begin walking without leaning forward, backward, or over to one side.
- Consciously squeeze as many muscles as possible and pull your shoulder blades back and down to prevent hunching. Stand tall as you walk while keeping a firm grip on the weights.
- Walk for 30n seconds, over time build that to 1 minute.
Pensioner Fitness Awards
In Conclusion
Do these exercises to strengthen your lower body. Thereby, allowing a bettter range of movement, improved mobility, health, and longevity. By the way, all this is possible with determination and regular exercise. However, it all depends on you and your want to improve, and your health and ability to exercise. Finally, you just need to practice to get these benefits
Important Note *
Remember that everyone is different, it is ultimately YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find what your body responds to. So please do your due diligence before trying anything new, including getting Medical Advice to ensure your safety and peace of mind.
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2 replies on “Lower Body Exercises 2”
Really enjoyed the year havent always got it right but what the hell hope you have a great break and christmas look fwd to next year
Regards Neville
Hi Neville, you have a great Christmas and a fit healthy New Year, I appreciate you taking the time to comment, All the very best Ian