The Incline Push-Up Level 1
The Inclined Push-Up. An incline push-up is similar to a standard push-up but it requires a sturdy platform on which to place your hands. So then, an ideal platform includes a bench, a piece of furniture or even an elevated surface such as a kitchen worktop. To begin with, place your hands on the edge of the platform slightly wider than shoulder-width. Also, set your feet far enough away from the platform so that your body is straight. Consequently, your arms should be perpendicular to your torso. Next, while maintaining a straight body, bend your elbows to lower your chest toward the platform. And then straighten your arms to return to the original position to complete one rep.
The Incline Push-Up Next Level

By taking the level down a few inches to a lower level increases the difficulty. Again if you find this level too difficult stay on level 1. So then you will feel the difference from level 1 but it will help to build your strength.
Muscles Involved
The Incline Push-Up. During the execution of an incline push-up. There, the target muscle is the sternal head of your pectoralis major. And which makes up the bulk of each side of your chest. Hence, this muscle is the lone target of an incline push-up. But, other muscles are involved in this exercise. Synergist muscles, which help you complete the motion, also include your triceps, deltoids and the clavicular head of the pectoralis major. Furthermore, stabilizing muscles, which contract but don’t significantly move, include a number of muscles in your legs and core.
The Incline Push-Up. Incline pushups are also from a more upright position than the regular pushup. Thus, allowing for the legs to support a greater percentage of your body weight. So then, less strain is placed on the upper body. Because incline pushups are much simpler than regular ones. So then, use incline pushups to build the foundational strength needed in the chest, arms and shoulders to perform regular pushups later on in your fitness routine.
In Conclusion
This method is effective but you will find it harder than a wall push-up. However, it is an important step towards building the strength to complete a full push-up. If you find it too difficult, you can go back to wall push-ups for a little longer. Some of you may find it takes longer to reach this point, but that is ok as we are all at different levels of fitness and strength
Important Note *.
Remember that everyone is different, and it is ultimately YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find what your body responds to… So please do your own due diligence before trying anything new, including getting Medical Advice to ensure your safety and peace of mind.
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