Sarcopenia = Muscle Loss As You Age Avoid Muscle Loss as You Age?. If you’re over 50 and don’t feel as strong as you used to be. Also, if you don’t have as much stamina as you once did, it’s not surprising. So then, just like bone density decreases with age, we also lose skeletal […]
Lower Body Strength
What Muscles Will You Be Targeting Lower Body Strength. To stretch and strengthen your hips, you’ll want to target: The gluteus maximus, the main extensor muscle of the hip And gluteus medius, the main muscle on the side of the hip Lower Body Strength. Essentially, you’ll be strengthening and stretching the back and sides of the hips. […]
Important Daily Stretches
Why Do You Get Stiff And Lose Mobility Important Daily Stretches. Counteract all that slouching, slumping and even ageing by improving your flexibility and range of motion. Plus, learn the benefits of stretching for older adults. Here’s what happens: As we age, our muscle mass reduces, (sarcopenia). Also, our tendons and connective tissue become stiffer, […]
Dietary Supplements For Older Adults
Dietary Supplements For Older Adults. Nutritional supplements can be beneficial at any age. However, they can also have unwanted side effects, such as unsafe prescription drug interactions. Also, they might not work at all. So then, it’s essential to understand the supplements you are taking and why you are taking them. Therefore, talk with your […]
The Full Push-Up
The Full Push-Up Is Not Easy The Full Push-Up. Push–ups help build strength, burn more calories, increase mental toughness and instil confidence.” They work every muscle in your body, from your neck to your toes. As a result, strengthening your chest, abs, shoulders and triceps. So then, push-ups are a full-body workout. This requires more strength than […]
Personal Alarms For Older Adults
What are personal alarms? Personal Alarms For Older Adults. Personal alarms allow people to call for assistance if they have an accident or a fall at home. And they can help older and less abled people to feel safer at home. Thus allowing them to remain independent for longer. Hence, they can also offer peace […]
Do You Worry About Falling?
Falls In The USA Do You Worry About Falling? Falls are common and costly, especially among Americans age 65 and older. But falls are preventable and do not have to be an inevitable part of ageing. Every second of every day, an older adult (age 65+) suffers a fall in the U.S.—making falls the leading […]
Anti-Ageing Discovery
Anti-Ageing Discovery Could Lead to Restorative Skin Treatments Anti-Ageing Discovery. We may have a Multi-billion-dollar skincare industry that makes plenty of marketing success claims. However, absolutely nothing exists that can prevent our skin from turning into tissue paper as we age. In addition, accumulated damage from UV radiation and other age-related stressors drains the skin’s […]
The Kneeling Push-Up
Kneeling Push-ups The Kneeling Push-Up. Maybe you’ve heard them called “girl push-ups” or “modified push-ups.” Regardless of their title, knee push-ups often get a bad rap — they’re too easy, they’re “cheating,” they’re hard on your kneecaps. But science begs to differ. Knee push-ups are a legit upper-body exercise. They’re the perfect intro to standard […]
Muscle Cramps In Legs
Introduction Muscle Cramps In Legs Muscle Cramps In Legs. Leg cramps can strikeout of the blue and cause excruciating pain. And it can last for less than a minute or torture you for much longer. Also, many people suffer from leg cramps primarily at night. So then, it occurs due to involuntary contractions or spasms […]