Effects of Jumping Exercise on Muscular Power in Older Adults: PLEASE ENSURE YOU CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE STARTING JUMPING EXERCISES Benefits of Jumping. I realise that some of you due to injury, or illness may not be able to jump for exercise. But for those who can the benefits far outweigh the effort required. […]
Category: Fitness
Fitness. What does fitness include? The term ‘fitness’ refers to general fitness (a state of health and well-being). And specific fitness (the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations). So, physical- fitness is the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and muscles to function at optimum efficiency; therefore, it is now defined as the body’s ability to work efficiently.
And the ability to undertake sustained physical exertion without undue breathlessness. So then, it is associated with a sense of physical and mental well being. Consequently, physical achievements are only possible by making regular demands on the body to perform physical tasks. Also, as the body improves the bulk and strength of the voluntary muscles and the force and pumping efficiency of the heart muscle increase. The respiratory muscles perform more effectively. The subject can perform work within the limits of the rate at which oxygen is supplied by the lungs and circulation (aerobic exercise).
Recovery from fatigue is more rapid, a higher degree of muscle tension can be attained, the muscles can utilize glucose and fatty acids in the presence of less insulin, and the liver is better able to maintain the supply of glucose to the blood, and hence to the muscles, during strenuous exercise. The energy-producing elements in the muscle cells (the mitochondria) increase in size and number.
Physical activity is any form of exercise or movement of the body that uses energy. Some of your daily life activities—doing active chores around the house, yard work, walking the dog—are examples.
Abdominal Exercises 3
Introduction to Abdominal Exercises Abdominal Exercises 3. Muscular abs are essential for all ages, especially seniors. As the body’s centre, the core (abs, obliques and lower back muscles) helps stabilise the body. And which will enhance balance, mobility and functionality. As you are aware musculature declines with age. So then, weakened abdominal muscles can make […]
Full Body Workout
Introduction Full Body Workout Full Body Workout. When workouts involve all of your body in a series of exercises, it is a great way to get fit. So then, today, we are going to incorporate activities a push pull and leg exercise, and a challenge at the end that will work your entire body. Also, […]
8 Early Signs of Arthritis
Arthritis Has Some Early Signs 8 Early Signs of Arthritis. It’s not unusual to experience pain in your joints on occasion, especially if you actively participate in high-impact activities. That unwanted ouch can be caused by injured muscles, tendons and ligaments around the joint. But also by tendonitis, a sprain or a strain. However, if […]
Elderly Sleep Apnoea
What is Sleep Apnoea? Elderly Sleep Apnoea. Sleep Apnoea is a dangerous condition that causes people to stop breathing while they sleep. So then, it’s a sleep disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep. Also, breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes. […]
Arm Exercises 2
Importance of Arm Strength Arm Exercises 2. Having strong arms in addition to having overall strong body allows you to pick up and move heavy objects safely. Also, an important part of arm strength for the elderly is actually grip strength. We rarely lift anything heavy with just the muscles of the arms but any […]
Leg Exercises 4
Introduction To Leg Exercises Leg Exercises 4. It’s vital that seniors stay active as they age. Exercise can improve mobility, improve your mood and brain health, and most importantly, help decrease your risk of becoming injured from a fall. There are many safe exercises seniors can and should take part in daily, and some leg strengthening exercises are […]
Restless Leg Syndrome
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is common in the elderly, with an estimated prevalence of 35% in individuals over 65 years of age Introduction Restless Leg Syndrome Restless Leg Syndrome. The main symptom of restless legs syndrome is an overwhelming urge to move your legs. And it can also cause an unpleasant crawling or creeping sensation in the feet, […]
Leg Exercises 3
Why You Need Strong legs Leg Exercises 3. With stronger legs comes many benefits; we move well and effortlessly, we can decrease or prevent pain in our knees and our hips, and we can help prevent falls. Regardless of your current physical capabilities, it is essential to keep your legs strong and be moving as […]
Abdominal Exercises 2
Introduction Abdominal Exercises Abdominal Exercises 2. The abdominals — which are primary core muscles. And are an important part of the body to keep strong if you wish to move efficiently. Also, to stay confident in your ability to keep active and injury free. So then the abdominals play a key role protecting and stabilising the structures in […]