Age and Senior Strength Age and Grip Strength. Nowadays, most people recognize (or, at least, they should) that having some degree of physical fitness is vital for good health. And improved quality of life, cardiovascular health, and maintaining a resilient and robust body. However, we often visit the gym to do strength or aerobics training and […]
Category: Fitness
Fitness. What does fitness include? The term ‘fitness’ refers to general fitness (a state of health and well-being). And specific fitness (the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations). So, physical- fitness is the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and muscles to function at optimum efficiency; therefore, it is now defined as the body’s ability to work efficiently.
And the ability to undertake sustained physical exertion without undue breathlessness. So then, it is associated with a sense of physical and mental well being. Consequently, physical achievements are only possible by making regular demands on the body to perform physical tasks. Also, as the body improves the bulk and strength of the voluntary muscles and the force and pumping efficiency of the heart muscle increase. The respiratory muscles perform more effectively. The subject can perform work within the limits of the rate at which oxygen is supplied by the lungs and circulation (aerobic exercise).
Recovery from fatigue is more rapid, a higher degree of muscle tension can be attained, the muscles can utilize glucose and fatty acids in the presence of less insulin, and the liver is better able to maintain the supply of glucose to the blood, and hence to the muscles, during strenuous exercise. The energy-producing elements in the muscle cells (the mitochondria) increase in size and number.
Physical activity is any form of exercise or movement of the body that uses energy. Some of your daily life activities—doing active chores around the house, yard work, walking the dog—are examples.
Hated Age Spots
What are age spots? Hated Age Spots. Have you noticed a mark that resembles a large freckle on the back of your hand or on your cheek? So then, you may be looking at what’s known as an age spot. Here, Age spots are flat brown, gray, or black spots on the skin. they usually […]
Types of Dementia 2
Overview Types of Dementia 2 Types of Dementia 2. Dementia is a term used to describe severe changes in the brain that cause memory loss. Consequently, these changes also make it difficult for people to perform basic daily activities. Hence, in most people, dementia causes changes in behavior and personality. Incidently, all types of dementia affects three areas […]
Types of Dementia 1
Overview on Types of Dementia 1 Types of Dementia 1. After my last post on early signs of dementia, As a result, I have a follow up post on 10 types of dementia, that you can understand and the symptoms you might see, this is a 2 part post with 5 types on each of […]
Early Symptoms of Dementia
What are Early Symptoms of Dementia Early Symptoms of Dementia. Dementia is a broad term for conditions that can impair someone’s ability to remember, process information, and speak. Also, early indicators can include issues with short-term memory and word finding. However, Although dementia symptoms can vary due to the underlying cause, some key symptoms are […]
What is Inflammation
Inflammation is your body’s response to an illness, injury, or something that doesn’t belong in your body. What is Inflammation, it is a normal and important process that allows your body to heal. So then, fever, for example, is how you know your body’s inflammatory system is working correctly when you’re ill. But inflammation can […]
Health Issues in Older Adults
Health Issues for Seniors Health Issues in Older Adults. Out of the total population in the United States, about 49% are 65 and older. By the year 2060, the American population will include an estimated 98 million older adults. And in the UK there are nearly 12 million (11,989,322) people aged 65 or over For most older adults, […]
Cancer, Common Worrying Symptoms Cancer symptoms: most common ‘worrying’ signs. Here, the earliest warning signs of cancer can be subtle. But the message from medics is always crystal clear – if something doesn’t feel right, it’s important to rule it out. The medics are always hammering home the point when it comes to worrying symptoms we really can’t ignore. […]
Introduction Chair Exercises Chair Exercises For Older Adults With Limited Mobility, Physical activity is such an important part of healthy aging. Also, it can significantly impact your quality of life and longevity. And even if you don’t start exercising until your senior years. Besides, finding an exercise program that’s right for you will improve your strength, […]
Health Benefits of Walking for Seniors
Science Recommends Walking For Seniors Health Benefits of Walking for Seniors. Here, walking may be the best form of physical exercise for seniors. So then, packed with health benefits, walking has all of the hallmarks of senior-friendly physical exercise: But it can be performed at low or moderate intensity, it’s easy on joints, it has […]