Introduction Benefits of Arm Exercises for Seniors Arm Exercises Part2. Many older people want arms that look stronger and less flabby. That’s an excellent reason to do arm exercises, but the benefits don’t stop there. Seniors with healthy arms and shoulders are better able to maintain independence and keep doing the activities they love. Think of […]
Pneumonia in the Elderly
Introduction Elderly Pneumonia Pneumonia in the Elderly. Pneumonia is a respiratory infection that inflames the air sacs lining the lungs. Also, pus may form, reducing the amount of oxygen flowing through the blood. The condition typically causes breathing issues, coughing, fever and chills. Although pneumonia can affect people of all ages, children younger than 2 […]
What Is a Balanced Diet?
A Balanced Diet? What Is a Balanced Diet? When you eat a balanced diet, you give your body the nutrients it needs for healthy functioning. A balanced diet is the same as a complete diet because it has the right proportion of minerals, vitamins, other essential nutrients, and optimal calories for your body’s makeup. A […]
Arm Exercises Part 1
Introduction Arm Exercises Part1. Seniors with healthy arms and shoulders are better able to maintain independence and keep doing the activities they love. So then, think of all the ways you use your arms every day. Hence, something as routine as pushing up from a chair is easier with good arm muscle. Here’s another benefit: […]
Do You Need Vitamin Supplements
Introduction Do You Need Vitamin Supplements. Nothing can take the place of a healthy diet to give you the vitamins and minerals your body needs. However, as you get older you might find that you’ll benefit from a supplement. And especially if you’re not getting what you need from your diet. But, when taking vitamins, […]
Could Your Kidneys be at Risk
Introduction Could Your Kidneys be at Risk. The most important tool to fight off kidney diseases is by catching these signs at the initial stages and then getting help from the doctors to treat them. Are your elderly kidneys in danger? So then, our body starts giving several indicators as soon as there is something […]
Hip Mobility Exercise
Introduction This Hip Mobility Exercise. So then, everyone can benefit from hip conditioning, even if you don’t currently have any hip concerns. Consequently, stretching and strengthening the muscles in this area helps build stability and flexibility. Also, you can move with ease and avoid injury. Many elderly people have weak or inflexible hips due to […]
Protect and Preserve Your Ageing Skin
Protect Your Ageing Skin Protect and Preserve Your Ageing Skin. As we age our skin becomes. Some age related skin changes can be reduced by limiting sun exposure, not smoking, avoiding harsh skin irritants, and moisturising regularly. Protect and Preserve Your Ageing Skin Protect and Preserve Your Ageing Skin. How is it that we all […]
Introduction Health Warning Signs You Should Not Ignore. I do not know if you have realized this, but the human body has its own set of warning signs. We call these signs symptoms. I am sure you are familiar with some of them; headaches, joint pain, neck pain, back pain, fatigue, persistent cough, chronic constipation, […]
Full Body Workout 2
Introduction Full Body Workout 2. Studies have shown that maintaining regular physical activity can help prevent many common diseases. Such as, heart disease and diabetes. Also, exercise improves overall immune function, which is important for seniors as their immune systems are often compromised. Consequently, even light exercise, such as walking, can be a powerful tool for preventable disease […]