Vision Sight Changes As We Age Foods to help protect your vision. Our eyes change so much that you probably won’t even remember what your young eyes used to be like. However, ageing eyes are normal eyes, but it isn’t always easy to know what’s normal, And what isn’t normal when it comes to ageing. […]
Author: Ian McClymont
Latest Anti-Aging Research
Anti-Aging Research A New Era of Science Could Humans Live to 120? Latest Anti-Aging Research. Do you ever think that it’s kinda crazy that we can order pizza from our cellphones and yet no one can figure out how to stop (or at least slow) the inevitable march towards death? Well, you’re not alone. Science […]
Exercise Full Body Workout
A Full Body Workout Exercise Full Body Workout. Your brain doesn’t think in single muscles, it thinks in terms of movement patterns, Human evolution led to five basic movements, which encompass nearly all of our everyday motions. Meaning your workout needs just five exercises, one from each of these categories: push (pressing away from you), […]
Taking it easy as you get older is wrong
Research outlines how longer lives are tied to physical activity Taking it easy as you get older is wrong. A team of evolutionary biologists and biomedical researchers. layout evolutionary and biomedical evidence showing that humans, who evolved to live many decades after they stopped reproducing. Also evolved to be relatively active in their later years. […]
Preventing Risks of Dementia
Preventing Risks of Dementia. There is no one specific method, treatment or substance that is proven to prevent dementia. However, the good news is that we know that there are things you can do to reduce your risk of dementia. All thanks to the many studies being done on risk and prevention. So then, many […]
Abdominal Exercises for Core Strength
Abdominal exercises for core strength Exercises For Core Strength. Let’s take a look at some core strengthening exercises. These will help you improve core strength. Abdominal Exercises For Core Strength. As an example, you’ll want to choose 3 or 4 of these exercises and perform them roughly three times a week to start. However, it’s […]
Avoid Muscle Loss as You Age?
Sarcopenia = Muscle Loss As You Age Avoid Muscle Loss as You Age?. If you’re over 50 and don’t feel as strong as you used to be. Also, if you don’t have as much stamina as you once did, it’s not surprising. So then, just like bone density decreases with age, we also lose skeletal […]
Lower Body Strength
What Muscles Will You Be Targeting Lower Body Strength. To stretch and strengthen your hips, you’ll want to target: The gluteus maximus, the main extensor muscle of the hip And gluteus medius, the main muscle on the side of the hip Lower Body Strength. Essentially, you’ll be strengthening and stretching the back and sides of the hips. […]
Important Daily Stretches
Why Do You Get Stiff And Lose Mobility Important Daily Stretches. Counteract all that slouching, slumping and even ageing by improving your flexibility and range of motion. Plus, learn the benefits of stretching for older adults. Here’s what happens: As we age, our muscle mass reduces, (sarcopenia). Also, our tendons and connective tissue become stiffer, […]
Dietary Supplements For Older Adults
Dietary Supplements For Older Adults. Nutritional supplements can be beneficial at any age. However, they can also have unwanted side effects, such as unsafe prescription drug interactions. Also, they might not work at all. So then, it’s essential to understand the supplements you are taking and why you are taking them. Therefore, talk with your […]