
Handgrip Strength

Grip Strength is an Overall Health Indicator Handgrip Strength. Although it might sound strange to you, having a solid handgrip could be a key indicator of longer life expectancy. But they were also linked to having muscular forearms. As a result, studies have found grip strength was a proper ‘biomarker’ to measure well-being as you […]


Age-Related Weight Loss

Losing weight as an Older Person Age-related weight loss. Many of us have not been active and almost certainly need to lose weight. However, it is not easy, and some would say it is impossible at 60,70 or older. Besides being a daunting goal, weight loss is possible at any age if you remain committed. […]


Losing Weight has Health Benefits.

Many Older Adults are Obese or Overweight Losing weight has health benefits as you age. For the most part, many older adults are seriously overweight or clinically obese; this is creating life-threatening risks. Also, many think it is too difficult to lose weight at 60 or 70 plus years. First, losing weight is no more […]


Swimming Benefits

Swimming benefits. Some people hate to exercise because it is hard and can be painful, with the danger of injury. But swimming is one of the few exercises where they don’t really have to worry about that. Because it’s not a weight-bearing activity. To clarify, swimmers don’t suffer the joint pain that most arthritis patients […]



What is Sleeping Sleeping is a condition of body and mind that typically occurs for several hours every night. As a result, the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed. Also, the postural muscles are relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended. However there is a lot going on in your body during sleep. What happens […]


Loneliness in Late-Life

Loneliness in Late-life. When we enter the later stages of life, many of us will find ourselves living alone. After all, we may have no family, perhaps our lifelong partner has passed, and we are feeling unloved and alone. Many of us have a fear of ageing. Consequently, loneliness will affect us in several ways. […]


Resistance Training Arms

Why Are Strong Arms Important? Resistance Training Arms. The muscles of the arms are relatively small, and in modern days it’s usually enough if you can carry your groceries or luggage for a moderate distance and pick up stuff like chairs and other relatively light objects that need moving around in our homes. Many older […]


Warm-Up Pre Exercise

Why a Warm-Up is Important Warm-Up Pre Exercise. A good warm-up will raise your body temperature, which is particularly helpful to your muscles. As your muscle temperature increases, oxygen becomes more available to your muscles, allowing them to contract and relax more easily. So you’ll be able to perform more strenuous tasks with ease. Your heart […]


The Fear of Ageing

The Fear of Ageing. (Gerascophobia). There is nothing wrong with getting older. It is a natural part of the human life cycle. Unfortunately, getting old comes with several real fears. This is particularly true in the present era, where many pensioners are living longer. Below are some of the things older adults fear the most […]


How to Make Weights at Home

How to make weights at home. At 71years old, I found I had become weak, heading for frailty, and I needed to do something about it. Unfortunately, I did not find anything online that suited me. So then, I decided to start by going out and spending 30 to 40 minutes of brisk walking. In […]