
Is Peanut Butter Good for You?

Your Peanut Butter Answers Some of you wrote to me asking if peanut butter was good for you as you age. Consequently, it is a great favourite of many of us, we love it and that includes me. But not all peanut butter is the same so read below to see what you need to […]


Foods that Boost Collagen

Foods that Naturally Boost Collagen Foods that Boost Collagen. Following on from last week, we look at the foods that can help us boost collagen production naturally. In a 2019 study published in Alternative Therapies In Health and Medicine, where participants consumed collagen supplements regularly. Here, researchers reported successful anti-ageing benefits including reduced fine lines, wrinkles […]


What is Collagen?

What is Collagen? Collagens are the most abundant protein in the body and serve as the primary structural protein. In this case, for your skin, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, and GI system. But in fact, collagens may account for up to 35% of whole-body protein content. As such, you can think of collagens […]


Healthy Eating for Seniors

Healthy Eating, A Well-Balanced Diet Healthy Eating for Seniors. Eating a well-balanced diet is an important part of staying healthy as you age. And it can help you maintain a healthy weight, stay energized, and get the nutrients you need. But it also lowers your risk of developing chronic health conditions, such as heart disease […]


Why do we need Protein?

Why do we need Protein? What is it for? After water, our bodies mostly consist of proteins. Proteins are “the building blocks of life”. So, proteins are the main component of cells, essential to our health and life. Proteins are complex structures because they consist of many smaller units called amino acids. Also, some of […]


Eggs Natures Superfood

Why Eggs Are Good For Seniors Eggs Natures Superfood. Nutrition plays a significant role in maintaining the health of older adults. Ensuring adequate dietary intake can help enhance the quality of life, reduce chronic disease risk and increase longevity. In surveys, older adults generally rated themselves as having poorer health than younger people. And with only 37% of persons aged […]


Key Nutrients for Seniors

Key Nutrients for Seniors, Introduction Key Nutrients for Seniors. Let’s talk about senior nutrition. Hence, every nutrient is essential and vital for health. However, there are certain nutrients that seniors need more of. Furthermore, these key nutrients are especially important in an ageing body. This article will cover the 7 key nutrients for senior nutrition, including: These are all nutrients that […]


Foods that Boost Bone Health

Introduction The Silent Disease Foods that Boost Bone Health. Osteoporosis weakens bones to the point that they can break easily. It is called a “silent disease” because people who develop it may not notice any changes until a bone breaks — usually a bone in the hip, spine, or wrist. Foods that Boost Bone Health […]


Gut Health for Older Adults

Introduction to Gut Health Gut Health for Older Adults. You have indeed seen the news headlines stating things like “the gut is the second brain” or “intestinal microbes are making you depressed”, among others. It took western medicine incredibly long to establish that the hundreds of millions of microorganisms living in our intestines have a […]


What Is a Balanced Diet?

A Balanced Diet? What Is a Balanced Diet? When you eat a balanced diet, you give your body the nutrients it needs for healthy functioning. A balanced diet is the same as a complete diet because it has the right proportion of minerals, vitamins, other essential nutrients, and optimal calories for your body’s makeup. A […]