Introduction Fatigue Fatigue in Older Adults. Fatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy. It can be a normal response to physical activity, emotional stress, boredom, or lack of sleep. But it can also signal a more serious mental or physical condition. Everyone feels tired now and then. However, if you feel […]
Category: Fitness
Fitness. What does fitness include? The term ‘fitness’ refers to general fitness (a state of health and well-being). And specific fitness (the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations). So, physical- fitness is the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and muscles to function at optimum efficiency; therefore, it is now defined as the body’s ability to work efficiently.
And the ability to undertake sustained physical exertion without undue breathlessness. So then, it is associated with a sense of physical and mental well being. Consequently, physical achievements are only possible by making regular demands on the body to perform physical tasks. Also, as the body improves the bulk and strength of the voluntary muscles and the force and pumping efficiency of the heart muscle increase. The respiratory muscles perform more effectively. The subject can perform work within the limits of the rate at which oxygen is supplied by the lungs and circulation (aerobic exercise).
Recovery from fatigue is more rapid, a higher degree of muscle tension can be attained, the muscles can utilize glucose and fatty acids in the presence of less insulin, and the liver is better able to maintain the supply of glucose to the blood, and hence to the muscles, during strenuous exercise. The energy-producing elements in the muscle cells (the mitochondria) increase in size and number.
Physical activity is any form of exercise or movement of the body that uses energy. Some of your daily life activities—doing active chores around the house, yard work, walking the dog—are examples.
Fall Prevention Exercises
Fall-Related Deaths in Older Adults Fall Prevention Exercises. The number of fall-related deaths of older adults has risen at an alarming rate over the last 20 years. In this case, a considerable number of these deaths are preventable. So then, prevention through exercises for stretching, strength, balance and knowledge of the causes are key to […]
Fall Prevention Self Help
Rate of Falls Increasing Among Older Adults Each Year Fall Prevention Self Help. TUESDAY, March 8, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The incidence of falls among older U.S. adults is increasing at roughly 1.5 per cent per year, according to a research letter published online Feb. 11 in JAMA Network Open. Falls are a common, but often […]
Lower Back Strengthening Exercises
Some Lower Back Strengthening Exercises Lower Back Strengthening Exercises. So then, certain exercises can help strengthen the muscles that support the lower back. Also, to reduce pain and prevent injury. However, these movements may also promote proper hip alignment and increase core stability to improve physical function. Our bodies function at their best when muscles […]
A Group of Diseases Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. Also, refers to a group of diseases that cause airflow blockage and breathing-related problems. And includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Hence, COPD makes breathing difficult for the 16 million Americans who have this disease. However, millions more people suffer from COPD, but have not been […]
Hand and Forearm Exercises
Hand Grip and Forearms Hand and Forearm Exercises. Forearm exercises stretch and strengthen the muscles crossing your hands, wrists, and elbows. You use these muscles in your daily life for tasks such as opening a glass jar or carrying a suitcase up a flight of stairs. They’re used in most things you do on a […]
Age Related Hearing Loss
What causes age related hearing loss in older adults? Age-Related Hearing Loss. Hearing loss is a reduced ability to hear. You may find you need the TV volume to be louder. And that you can’t always hear people talking, especially in a crowd. So then, most people experience hearing loss as they get older. Do […]
Arm Exercises With Weights
Arm Exercises with Weights Arm Exercises with Weights. Lifestyle changes in recent decades have led people to adopt a sedentary lifestyle. Many spend most of the day doing activities that don’t make their muscles work properly and only allow them to burn a small amount of calories. Even if you simply want to get a […]
Sleep And The Ageing Body
Sleep And Ageing Health Sleep And The Ageing Body. Ageing is tied to numerous health concerns. Poor sleep can contribute to many of these problems, reducing the quality of life in people as they get older. In addition, to address the unique needs of older adults. So then, it is more important than ever to […]
Peripheral Neuropathy In Older Adults
Tingling Pain or Weakness? Peripheral Neuropathy In Older Adults. Peripheral neuropathy is an umbrella term for nerve diseases that affect a specific subdivision of your nervous system. Also, many different conditions can cause peripheral neuropathy, which means a wide range of symptoms is also possible. Peripheral neuropathy can also affect different body parts, depending on […]