
How To Boost Your Immune System

Introduction The Immune System How To Boost Your Immune System. The immune system is a network of biological processes that protects an organism from diseases. It detects and responds to a wide variety of pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms, as well as cancer cells and objects such as wood splinters, distinguishing them from the […]


Bodyweight Back Exercises

Introduction Bodyweight Back Exercises Although it’s important to strengthen all of your muscles, strengthening your back is especially vital to your well being. Also, it’s involved in every pulling, lifting, and carrying action you make. Moreover, it protects your spine from injury. So then, here are some of the main benefits of strengthening your back […]


New anti-ageing research

This new anti-ageing research enables human cells to “time jump” 30 years New anti-ageing research. A team of researchers at the Babraham Institute. And a partner organization of the University of Cambridge, UK, have made a breakthrough in regenerative medicine. Just published in the journal eLife. So then, the team shows how they managed to turn back the […]


Full Body Exercise 2

Introduction Full Body Exercise 2. You know you need to devote the time to work out on a regular basis. So then, how do you know if you’re making the most of that time and really benefiting from head to toe? One way is by choosing full-body workouts that work multiple muscle groups in each […]


Signs and Symptoms of Osteoporosis

Signs and Symptoms of Osteoporosis. How do we know whether our bones are healthy or not? We can’t see them like we can our skin, or listen to them like the heart or lungs. Bone density scans are one way to look inside bone, but we rarely get a bone density test. So then, what […]


Know Your Health Warning Signs

Know Your Health Warning Signs. Elderly people should always be aware of their own body conditions. And seek early medical advice in case they notice any abnormal signs or experience discomfort. So then, the doctor will conduct a health assessment and check-up to make an accuratediagnosis. Hence, do not delay or leave it until the […]


How to Prevent Hearing Loss

Why Do We Get Hearing Loss As We Age How to Prevent Hearing Loss. Many older adults eventually realize they’re pressing the “volume up” button on the TV remote more often. Also, that a lot of people around them need to speak up. So then, there are plenty of myths about hearing loss. However, there are […]


Back Strengthening Exercises

75% of Over 50s suffer from back pain Back Strengthening Exercises. After 50, it is important to make sure that your lower back is strong enough. So then, this way you can avoid future injuries and keep your weight from shifting to other areas of your body. Below are some simple exercises for seniors to […]


Dealing With Loneliness in Old Age

Dealing With Loneliness in Old Age. It is completely understandable as to why you might feel lonely as you get older. In short, family members might have moved out of the house and are far away. Also, perhaps old friends and work acquaintances have left town. But, even worse, many older people who might have […]


Hypertension The Silent Killer

What is High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)? Hypertension The Silent Killer. High blood pressure (hypertension) is a common condition. And which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough. Also, that it may eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease. Blood pressure is determined both by the amount of blood […]